Erasmus+ Outgoing Students

Useful documents

Before leaving

Before departure you must:

  • check the deadlines and procedures for enrolling at the foreign university (and having completed all the required formalities)
  • sign the Erasmus agreement with the International Mobility Department within the stipulated deadline
  • be enrolled in language courses at the Language Competence Development Sector - CLAT (if assigned)
  • complete, with signs, and send to the Department's Erasmus Office in a single PDF file the Before the mobility part of the Learning Agreement. Remember that this part must be signed by you, your seat contact and the person responsible at the foreign campuses.

Filling in the Before the Mobility part of the Learning Agreement

During Erasmus+

When you arrive, enroll at the foreign university.

Within 5 days of arrival, have the foreign university complete the Certificate of Arrival and send it to the International Mobility Sector.

Se vuoi cambiareaggiungere o eliminare un insegnamento che avevi indicato precedentemente, puoi farlo compilando la parte del Learning Agreement chiamata During the mobility

If you want to change, add or delete a course that you had previously indicated, you can do so by filling in the part of the Learning Agreement called During the mobility

  • by the deadlines indicated by the host institution
  • and in any case no later than 30 November for the first semester
  • and no later than 30 April for the second semester

Filling in the During the Mobility part of the Learning Agreement

Any changes to the Learning Agreement Part 1 must be authorised by the home teacher as described above. Failure to do so will result in the modification being considered invalid, as will any exam results.
Modified Learning Agreements will be considered valid if they are sent scanned in a single PDF that can be read in all its parts (incomplete and/or illegible photos/scans are not valid).

Before coming back

Remember to get a release from the host institution:

  • the Certificate of Attendance indicating the day of arrival and the day of departure, validated by the Erasmus+ officers of the foreign institution. Send it by email to the International Mobility Department of the University of Genoa directly from the offices of the University hosting you, or hand it in yourself on your return, in the original.
  • the Transcript of Records (ToR) with the list of exams passed and grades and bring it with you. If it is not ready yet, make arrangements with the foreign university to have it sent to you by email in pdf format or other means. The part of the Learning Agreement called "After the Mobility" is to be completed in case the foreign institution does not provide a Transcript of Records.

N.B. All exam marks on the Transcript of Records, corresponding to courses included in the Learning Agreement, will be recognised in your UniGe career.
If you wish to refuse one or more votes you must do so, if the foreign university allows it, before it is transcribed on the Transcript of Records.
Once you have accepted an exam abroad, you can no longer refuse its conversion and the recording of the corresponding grade in Italy.

When you came back

Recognition of work carried out abroad

On your return, hand in your Transcript of Records to the Department Erasmus Office.

The Office will bring the file for approval to the Course Council for recognition of your educational activity, number of CFUs, marks obtained after conversion.

After approval, the Student secretariat will transcribe the recognised exams into your career.

Renunciation of mobility period and Erasmus+ scholarship

You may renounce the mobility period and the assigned scholarship even after acceptance. Please refer to the student kit and contact the International Mobility Sector by sending an email

Useful contact

Department Erasmus Delegate:
Marina Resta

DIEC Erasmus Office:
Nataša Podlesnik
Tel: +39 010 209 5460

N.B. Incoming calls are diverted to the staff member's mobile phone. When the operator is on another call, the number is free, so don't give up and try calling again.

Last update 22 August 2022