Master's course in Economics and Financial Institutions (EIF)

Il corso in breve

The course offers advanced training in economics and finance.
It provides in-depth knowledge of the micro and macroeconomic environment, financial regulation, the structure and functioning of financial markets, the measurement and management of financial risks, and the management of financial, securities and insurance intermediaries.

Teachinig information

To know the contents of the course, please read the Programmazione didattica (Teaching schedule).
To know the teachings offered in this academic year, please read the Manifesto.
See also the Regolamento didattico.
Read the results of the Student Opinion Survey about teaching.

Head of program and Tutor Professors

The Head of the program is Prof. Marina Romani.
If you need advice on the choices about your course of study you can refer to the tutor professor:

Do you know that...

  • with the mobility program Erasmus+ Studio you can study abroad and also you may obtain a bonus calculated on your Laurea vote
  • the Council of the Course of Study has set up a Consulta whose members are teachers of the Course and some representatives of the operative world
  • if you participate in the Soft Skills lab, you can acquire soft skills, i.e., those abilities used by each of us to interact with the social and physical environment - Watch the video
  • you can find more information on the UniGe page of the course

Students' representatives

You can also contact the Students' Representatives


If you want to express your opinion, visit the page of Reports and Complaints


Last update 1 September 2021